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5 Spirits for Healing

Writer: AbbeyAbbey

Updated: Aug 29, 2021

Sekhmet - Neter of war & healing. She is an ancient Neter of Kemet (Ancient Egypt). She is really powerful to work with. She rules over the first 3 Arit (chakras), SEKFHET, TEKH & OB (Root, Sacral & Solar Plexus) of your body. You can connect with her through meditation, plant medicine & fire rituals! Be absolutely clear when petitioning to her, in as much detail as you can give. Ask for support & give her the reasons why you need this healing. It’s important for you to visualize why. You need to have a relationship to your healing journey so be clear when petitioning to her. She is very serious, once she gets comfortable with you she will appear in many forms especially in dreams & meditation. You can work with Sekhmet for ALL illnesses.

Ixchel - Spirit of fertility & medicine. She is an ancient Mayan spirit. Working with her requires connecting to nature, this includes working with the moon & doing offerings outside. Ask her to guide you to healing herbs & foods that will balance out your body. Womb work is also a must with her if you have issues there. She can help balance the divine feminine energies in our bodies. Highly recommend doing a ritual by the water under the full moon, if that’s not possible invoke her in a spiritual bath. You can work with Ixchel for feminine imbalances & spiritual blockages.

Dhanvantari - Spirit of medicine & Ayurveda. He is an ancient Hindu god, known as the physician of the gods. Working with him requires prayer, energy healing & a change in eating habits. When pictured he is depicted holding 4 things, a ritual shell called Shankha, Chakra, scriptures & Amrita which is a pot containing the nectar of immortality. Working with him is a lifestyle change. Consistent prayer, changing eating habits, adopting an Ayurvedic medicine, working with your chakras through meditation & balancing your body mentally, spiritually & physically. Sound healing & chanting will be forms of medicine aswell. He demands consistency if you work with him be ready to change your life in a huge way. You can work with Dhanvantari for ALL illnesses.

Santa Clara - Saint of clarity & healing. She is a Catholic Saint with her roots in Italy. In Hoodoo/Rootwork we call on her often to assist with our healing work. She is amazing for removing blockages, removing the fog, providing clarity, relief in depression, anxiety & all mental illnesses. She helps you come back into your own personal power. You can petition to her with a white candle and pray to her about your healing. You can work with her at anytime you feel like you need to. Saying her prayer everyday or in times of need is recommended as well. She has a very gentle energy and comes off as very subtle as she heals. She's nurturing but gives you the space to realize your own clarity & come into a space of peace. You can work with Santa Clara for ALL mental illnesses.

Babalu Aye - Orisha of healing & illnesses. He is very karmic as he can inflict you with illness just as easily as he can take them away. You must hold your body in high regard in order to work with him. He rules all types of major epidemics such as AIDS, leprosy, cancer. He is very serious, entitled people should not work with him as he requires humility & social awareness. Prayer will be regularly required of you if you choose to work with him. Offerings include, grains, corn, beans, garlic, onions & burnt bread. His number in 17 & color is royal blue. His rituals must be consistent for 17 days. Ritual offerings can be brought into the woods. You can work with Babalu Aye for ALL illnesses.


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