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3 Ways to Heal Through Mercury Retrograde

Writer: AbbeyAbbey

Photo Credit: NASA

Mercury Retrograde is a time where we see a lot of hate from the spiritual community directed at this transit. The spread of fear that a really shitty ex is going to text or call or that you shouldn’t sign anything because it will prove to be the most horrible thing you’ve ever done later. All of these fear based realities are completely absurd when you actually break down what Mercury is bringing to your awareness while he’s retrograding. So I’m going to share some of the ways that you can use Mercury Retrograde to really get your head clear and heal all the little things that are coming up for you.

1 - Ex Healing -

When your ex hits you up during Mercury Retrograde its not a time to roll your eyes or use the block button just yet. The first thing to remember about Mercury is that he rules the CONSCIOUS MIND, COMMUNICATION & IDEAS. So when your ex hits you up during this retrograde understand that its their PAST thoughts, feelings & wounds that have been bubbling under the surface that are getting communicated because they need to be healed. So instead of getting annoyed, listen to the trauma so you can actually heal it. When we’re in relationships we don’t always say what’s on our mind while were in it. Those moments that we keep inside and don’t speak what we feel creates an echo for your voice long after you’ve buried it in you subconscious mind. Every time Mercury goes into Retrograde those old thoughts get triggered and you start looking at the past as the opportunity you had to say how you felt. So whether you find yourself in the receiving or giving end of these text/calls, take the time to heal what needs to get healed. Understand that if someone from the past is reaching out to let you know that they miss you, it could be because at the time they where with you they didn’t say it or appreciate you enough. Remember the saying “people want what they can’t have” but with a twist because now they have to deal with why they're still hung up on you or vice versa. The way you heal this is by having an honest conversation with that person and also yourself. Forget about all the Mercury Retrograde fear nonsense, how do you feel? Allowing yourself to be open & vulnerable to your own mind is what Mercury Retrograde is about. Being honest with yourself will allow you to cleanse your mind of the background noise related to that person. Theres no need to carry trauma. Allow yourself to process this person as a lesson and move on knowing you have passed Saturns test…because why do you think he sent them in your life in the first place!

2 - Missed Opportunities -

One of the other things that people always say that you shouldn’t do is sign ANYTHING during Mercury Retrograde. But what if I where to tell you that’s not necessarily true?! See, it really depends. Let’s say you came up with this concept for a novel and you finished writing it earlier in the year but you put off sending it to a publisher or you had an offer but took too long to respond or what not. In that case, Mercury Retrograde could very well bring up an opportunity to publish that book that actually would be perfect for you. So what, are you supposed to NOT sign it because Mercury is in Retrograde? Hell no!!! Thats the whole point of Mercury Retrograde to look back at anything in relation to what he rules and address them accordingly. So if publishing this book got lost in time for you and its coming back up now then is for a reason. Don’t be afraid of signing things that you’ve already done research for or had been working on in the PAST! Key word is PAST! Anything new is for later. Remember that retrogrades are a great time to get UNSTUCK! Thats where the healing comes from. A lot of the time we move through life feeling like we’ve hit a brick wall and can’t move any further. The retrogrades come through to allow us to clean out our closet so we can get moving again.

3 - Throat Chakra Healing -

One of the things that is highlighted during Mercury Retrograde is our WORDS. You’ll see everyone (including me) telling you to watch your words and how you speak to others during this time. Why? Because you might just say the wrong thing and not even realize it. Theres a bluntness & a sensitivity to words that comes out with Mercury Retrograde which is why people can take things the wrong way and create miscommunication. This is another reason why double checking dates, names & times is important because being careless will cost you. One of the best way to heal this is working with your Throat Chakra for the entirety of the Retrograde. Working actively in this space will allow you to speak clearly as well as work with your intuition to use discernment in certain situation. My favorite way to work with this chakra on the go is using crystals! I specifically love working with Lapis Lazuli because its really great for the upper chakras. I wear mine all the time but specially during Mercury Retrograde. I find that it really helps me think before I speak. You can use any Throat Chakra crystal you prefer working with or you can substitute with a Clear Quartz crystal with the intention to heal your Throat Chakra. You can also work with deities at this time who rule communication in-order to better help you get your message across.

At the end of the day, don’t fear the Retrogrades. They come around with a purpose. Work on yourself and let others speak their truths. You will be not only healing yourself but others as well.


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